Ancestors of Compatriot Members
Of The Frontier Patriots Chapter, SAR

We, Compatriot Members of the Frontier Patriots Chapter, SAR are very proud to descend from Patriots of the American Revolutionary War. These pages list all members of the Frontier Patriots Chapter, past and present, and their Patriot ancestors. We all might make mistakes from time to time. I have not intentionally left any member's ancestor(s) out of these pages. If you see an error or omission, please let me know.
Perhaps as a visitor to these pages, you will see a relative of yours in the listings of Compatriot members of the Frontier Patriots Chapter. If you do, please consider applying for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution.
For additional information, contact: Larry D. Smith at: (

The following links will take you to pages containing the names of the Patriot ancestor, the Patriot's rank and other service information, and the Compatriot members of the Frontier Patriots Chapter who descend from them.
A~B Ambler to Buzzard
C~G Caldwell to Goss
H~L Hamill to Lydick
M~R Macklin to Rudey
S~Y Satee to Yingling

Our Patriot Ancestors
~ Short Biographical Sketches
The following links will connect you to short biographical sketches of the Patriot ancestors of some members of the Frontier Patriots Chapter.
If you have written a biographical sketch about your Patriot ancestor, and want to have it included here, please submit it as a .doc or .txt file to
Patrick Cassidy
Johan Simon Clar
M(organ) Davis
Isaac Fickes, Sr.
Valentine Ficus, Sr.
Thomas Gaitrell
Johann Tobias Holtzel
Johann Heinrich Ickes
Daniel Kelly
James Moorhead
G(eorge) Morris
Heinrich Naftzger
William Patterson
Elijah Phillips
William Phillips
Joseph Roberts
Fred(erick) Rouser
P(hilip) Sanders
T(homas) Sanders
Jacob Schmitt, Sr.
A(braham) Shelly
John Shirley
Richard Shirley
Hugh Skelly
Philip Peter Skelly
Jacob Snowberger
Peter Stiffler, Sr.
Jacob Stifler, Sr.