Ancestors of Compatriot Members
Of The Frontier Patriots Chapter, SAR
Patriots H ~ L

The Compatriot Members, past and present, of the Frontier Patriots Chapter, SAR claim the following Patriots of the American Revolutionary War as their direct-line ancestors:

Samuel Hammaker (Private, Lancaster County Militia) Cyrus A. Hammaker, David G. Hammaker
Hugh Hamill (Private, Capt. John Findley's Co, Westmoreland County Militia) Eugene G. Hamill
James Hamilton (1st Lieutenant, 3rd Co, 7th Bat, Lancaster County Militia) James M. Mathers
David Hammond (1st Lieutenant, 1st Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line) Bruce B. Watson
Henry Hanawalt (Private, 8th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Joseph E. Fields
Tobias Hanline (Private, Capt. Daniel Clapsadler's Co, 1st Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Elliott H. Glunt, E. Merle Glunt, Donald M. Glunt
Christian Harnish {Private, Lt. Fredrich Cerper's Co, 4th Co, 3rd Battalion, Lancaster County Militia & Private, Capt. Joseph Gehr's Co, 4th Co, 6th Battalion, Lancaster County Militia} Raymond C. Lantz
John Harris (Delegate to the Convention to Ratify the Declaration of Independence) Paul I. Myers
John Harris Jr (Officer in the Provincial Service, provided financial aid) Haven L. Williams, David L. Williams, Percy J. Williams, Alvah J. Williams, Alvah J. Williams, Jesse C. Williams, Gordon M. Williams, Glenn J. Williams
Abigail Hartman (Nurse at the Washington Camp at Yellow Springs) John McAfee
Johannes Hartman (Committee of Observation, Chester County) John McAfee
Conrad Hartzel (Private, Capt. George Shriver's 3rd Co, 4th Bat, Northampton County Militia) Harry C. Lovell
Nehemiah Heartt Sr (Association Signer, and loaned money to New York) Edgar R. Hartt
John Nicholas Hedrick Sr (Lieutenant) Charles R. Hetrick, Clair S. Hetrick
Conrad Hite (Private, Capt. Joseph Irwin's Co, 8th Reg, Pennsylvania Continental Line) Ralph F. Himes Sr, Ralph F. Himes Jr
Adam Holliday (Private, Bedford County Militia) Joseph R. Holliday
John Holliday (Captain, 1st Reg, Pennsylvania Continental Line) William T. McKillip, Lynn A. Brua Jr, Herbert M. Lowry
Johann Tobias Holtzel (Private, Capt. Thomas White's Co, York County Militia) Bernard R. Smith, Larry D. Smith
Johann Heinrich Ickes (Lieutenant, 7th Bat, York County Militia) Robert S. Neely, Robert F. McGee
Michael Jack (Private) Alfred M. Wasson, Dwight C. Wasson
William Junkin (Private, Cumberland County Militia) Herbert B. Thomas
Jacob Kauffman (Private, Bucks County Militia) Edwin B. Balthaser
Philip Kauffman (Private, Capt. Ferdinand Ritter's Co, 6th Bat, Berks County Militia) Edwin B. Balthaser
Abraham Keagy (Private, Lancaster County Militia) William B. Lower, Frederick D. Royer
Christian Keagy (Private, Lancaster County Militia) William B. Lower, Frederick D. Royer
Christopher Keatley (Private, Capt. William Hay's Flying Camp) Gene E. Davidson, Rodger R. Davidson
John Keller (Private, 6th Co, 3rd Bat, Lancaster County Militia) Ralph R. Whittaker
Michael Keller (Private, Capt. Joseph Gehr's 4th Co, 3rd Bat, Lancaster County Militia) Raymond C. Lantz, Ralph H. Wagner
Peter Kip (Sergeant, 2nd Continental Artillery, New York) George R. Downs Jr, Charles I. Fuller Jr
Michael Kistler (Private, 6th Co, 3rd Bat, Northampton County Militia) James R. Thorne
Johann Conrad Kleckam (Provided supplies to the Patriot Army, Berkeley County, Virginia) Floyd G. Hoenstine, Floyd B. Hoenstine, Charles A. Hoenstine Sr, Charles A. Hoenstine Jr, John H. F. Heltzel
Francis Knaus (Civil Officer - Overseer of the Poor, Menallan Twp, York County) Michael R. Caum, Michael R. Caum, James R. Caum, E. Merle Glunt, Donald M. Glunt
Mathias Koenig (Private, Capt. George Wolf's Co, Northampton County Militia) Theodore E. Zoller, Allan D. Zoller Sr, Allan D. Zoller Jr
George Kuntz / Kuns (Private, Capt. Michael Wolf's Co, 2nd Battalion, Berks County Militia) Raymond C. Lantz
Daniel Ladd (Private, Capt. Hezekiah King's Co, 2nd Bolton Company, Connecticut) John D. Faulds
Henry Lantz (Paid Federal Supply Tax 1779, 1780 & 1781, Berks County) Raymond C. Lantz
Friedrich Leiby (Sergeant, Von Ottendorff's Corps, Continental Line) Kaye B. Leiby
Samuel Leidy (Private, Berks County Militia) Jesse C. Brallier
John Leitch (Private, Capt. James Leech's Co, 3rd Bat, Westmoreland County Militia) Roy Leech
William Lemmon (Lieutenant, Capt. John McClellan's 7th Co, 6th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Robert L. Emerson, Roy Leech
George Leonard (Private) Warren E. Roy
Sebastian LeVan (Colonel, Berks County Militia) Carl H. Metzgar
David A. Lindsay Sr (Private, 4th Co, 5th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Chester W. Lindsay
Moses Little (Colonel, Massachusetts) Karl D. Kingan
John Logue Sr (Private, Capt. John Ramsey's Co, Chester County Militia) Webster M. Logue
Adam Lower (Private, Capt. William Heyser's Co, Pennsylvania German Regiment, Continental Line) William B. Lower, Thaddeus D. Lower, Chester B. Wray
Levi Lowrey (Private, Capt. Tutt's Independent Co, Georgia) Jacob R. Fruth Jr
Martin Loy (Private 7th Class, Capt. John Orbison's Co, 4th Co, 4th Battalion, Cumberland County Militia) Raymond C. Lantz
Casper Lupfer (Private, 3rd Co, 5th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) James R. Lupfer
John Lydick (Private, Capt. Thomas Fletcher's Co of Rangers on the Frontier, Westmoreland County Militia) Leonard N. Ray, Edward W. Fay