Ancestors of Compatriot Members
Of The Frontier Patriots Chapter, SAR
Patriots C ~ G

The Compatriot Members, past and present, of the Frontier Patriots Chapter, SAR claim the following Patriots of the American Revolutionary War as their direct-line ancestors:

David Caldwell Sr (Private, Capt. Patton's Co, Cumberland County Militia) David M. Caldwell
Simon Cameron (Private, 1st Co, 4th Bat, Lancaster County Militia) William R. Metz
John Canan (2nd Lieutenant, Pennsylvania Militia) William T. Canan
Patrick Cassidy (Private, 2nd Reg, Pennsylvania Continental Line) Gerald P. Finn, Lawrence L. Frank, Michael E. Cassidy, Francis V. Cassidy, Robert V. Cassidy
Elijah Chambers Sr (Private, Capt. John Reed's Co, Lancaster County Militia) Morris W. Hazel, Edward W. Hazel, Robert E. Hazel
Johan Simon Clar (Captain, 1st Co, 7th Bat, York County Militia) Melvin C. McDowell, Bernard R. Smith, Larry D. Smith, Fred B. Sauserman
John Clarkson (Private, Capt. John Barker's Co, 3rd Reg, Philadelphia Militia) Ralph M. Lewis
Johann Henry Claycomb (Signed Oath of Fidelity and Support) Floyd G. Hoenstine, Floyd B. Hoenstine, Charles A. Hoenstine Sr, Charles A. Hoenstine Jr, John H. F. Heltzel
Reuben Colburn (Major, Massachusetts & Committee of Safety) John A. Murray, Richard C. Murray
Thomas Coleman (Ensign, Capt. John Moore's Co, Bedford County Militia) Paul E. Woodward
Daniel Conrad Sr (Private, Capt. Thomas Robinson's Co, 7th Bat, Lancaster County Militia) Samuel R. Williams
Samuel Craig Jr (Lieutenant, 1st Bat, Westmoreland County Militia) Cornelius C. Beck
John Crawford (Lieutenant, Cumberland County Militia) Martin B. Christy Sr, John H. Christy
John Cruse Sr (Private, Capt. Mowerdark's Co, Berks County Militia) Gary L. Cruse
Jacob Detwiler (Private, Capt. Philip Duck's Co, Lancaster County Militia) Raymond C. Lantz
John Phillip DeHaas Sr (Brigadier General) John R. DeHaas, Edward P. DeHaas
Michael DeHuff (Private, Capt. Jasper Yeat's Co, 7th Bat, Lancaster County Militia) Irvin J. Boslet
Johann Ludwig Detrich (Private, Capt. Huey's Co, Lancaster County Militia) Paul H. Detrich
William Drenning (Private, Bedford County Militia) John J. Drenning
Henry Elias Sr (Private, Capt. Joshua Brown's Co, 8th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Gerald M. Elias
John Emerson (Private, Capt. Shattrick's Co, Massachusetts) Arnold C. Emerson
William Enyeart (2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Bedford County Militia) Stephen T. Parks
Alexander Ewing (Ensign, 6th Co, 5th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) William E. Boyer, Robert J. Boyer
Frederick Fairlamb (Private, Middletown Co, 7th Bat, Chester County Militia) Donald M. Yarnall
William Faris (Private, Continental Line) Charles A. Faris
Isaac Fickes Sr (Private, Capt. William Dodd's Co, 1st Co, 1st Bat, York County Militia) Bernard R. Smith, Larry D. Smith
George Fleck (Private, Capt. George Honey's Co of City Guards, Philadelphia Militia) George S. Fleck, Donald C. Weaver
George Fockler (Private, Lancaster County Militia) Clinton W. Booser
Jacob Follmer III (Ensign, 11th Co, 2nd Bat, Northumberland County Militia) Bruce B. Watson
Conrad Foutz (Private, Capt. McKee's Co, 7th Bat, Lancaster County Militia) Charles H. Foutz
James Gallaher (Private, Capt. Jonathan Robeson's Co, 4th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Harry B. Roland
John Michael Garner (Private, Capt. Henry Hardman's Co, Maryland) Charles R. Hetrick, Elliott H. Glunt, E. Merle Glunt, Donald M. Glunt, James T. Thompson
Christian Gast (Private, Capt. Weaver's Co, Northumberland County Militia) Walter M. Lorenz, Robert D. Lorenz
John Gearhart Sr (Ensign, Capt. George Haultz's 3rd Co, 4th Bat, Lancaster County Militia) Hugh E. Gearhart
William Gettemy (Private, Capt. William Houston's Co, Cumberland County Militia) Ralston O. Gettemy
Alexander Gibboney (Private) Elliott H. Glunt, E. Merle Glunt, Donald M. Glunt
John Gibboney (Corporal, Major James Power's Co, 7th Reg, Pennsylvania Continental Line) Charles M. Waple
David Gilliland (Private, 2nd Co, Chester County Militia) James B. Kinzer Jr
John Glenn (Private, Capt. William Moore's Co, 2nd Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Graden M. Akers
John Glover Sr (Private, Pennsylvania Continental Line) Lewis P. Glover
Jacob Gooshorn (Private, Capt. Andrew Farrier's 5th Co, 7th Bat, Cumberland County Militia) Roy W. Goshorn
Abraham Goss (Fifer, Capt. Moore's Co, 2nd Reg, 5th Pennsylvania Continental Line) Robert E. Dively
George Goss (Drummer/Fifer, Capt. Moore's Co, 2nd Reg, 5th Pennsylvania Continental Line) Robert E. Dively
Francis Gramley (Private, Lt. Col. Nicholas Kern's 3rd Battalion, Northampton County Militia) Raymond C. Lantz